Friday, May 23, 2008

Yoga Class Incident

I went to yoga class last night. Have you guys done yoga? Let me tell you, we aren't sitting around relaxing... It's painful!! >_____>

Anyway, we were doing some poses, and this lady next to my left farted!! heuhuheuhe...
Luckily, I was turning the other way and I almost laughed hehehhe... **yes, yes, I know... I'm not trying to be mean, you know....I know I'll be very very embarrassed if it was me...**

Then, towards the end, we were laying down and doing a pose. I had to turn left and face her back. I couldn't stop thinking, "I hope she doesn't fart again coz it'll be on my face..." ^g^


Anonymous said...




Ngakak abis2an gw Jes, coba beneran di kentut di muke loe, sedep bener tuh :P

Anonymous said...

sial lo bal! seneng banget seh liat temen susah... parah seh elu! ckckckck...

iye itu ce bal kentutnya kenceng banget!! gue surprised gak ada yg ketawa ato cekikikan ato senyum aja deh... kaenya gue doank gitu yg berotak jahat..hihihihi..