Shakespeare's Julius Caesar by Adam Sexton and Hyeondo Park.

Last weekend, he brought 2 of these mangas to Zack's graduation. **Congrats Zack!! FINALLY, you made it!!!! YAY!!**
At first, I didn't even realize that it's his comic book.
And then Jennifer came to the bedroom (we were chilling and messing up Jerry's place hehe) and said that it's his manga.
We were like, WOW Hyeondo! It's so awesome! You're the man! Please sign the book..... We need your signature.... huehuheuheue...
And apparently, he also wrote his bio himself (it's on the first page, I think).
He got teased the whole night because of it. ^___^
Anyway, here it is.. his first published book ever, out now on sale. Buy it online or at the stores. (Really, Hyeondo, you need to pay me for being your spokesperson..^^)
He's currently working on his 2nd book, Huckleberry Finn.
Hyeondo, don't forget my free-signed-comic-book, arite! ^___^V
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