There was this show where you could send interesting blogs (could be your or somebody else's) to them and they'll show them on the show.
2 blogs caught my eyes...

This blog is written by this guy in UK who placed "little people" (people figure that he made by clay) around the city (mostly London) and photographed them.
It's really, really neat. Check it out.
Hmm... I wonder.... should we go backpacking aroung UK and try finding these little people??
Oh and uh.. watch your step!!

Have you ever wondered or imagined that things around us sometimes make a face?
Well, I did but I surely never thought to take pictures. But this guy (is he a guy? don't remember who made the blog) did.
He (let's just assume it's a he) uploaded pictures with faces, hence the name of the blog. We could send our pictures too!
*picture is courtesy of
Actually, there was another blog that got my attention, but couldn't seem to recall the name of the blog. If I remember it one day (hopefully, but you know, you could always google it yourself, I'm just too lazy to search for it...), I'll come back and post it here.
The blog was about "failed" pictures that you took.
Remember all those blurry-dang-it-pictures that you took?
Well, don't delete them just yet..... You could send them to this blog and they'll show the pictures on the blog. (Don't I sound like an anchorwoman? huheuheuheuhuhe)
Hmm.. I never catch that show again on CNN.
Don't remember what time or what day that I caught the show.
Anybody know? please let me know.
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