Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I was contemplating whether I should write this in English or Indonesian, but I decided to write in English anyway.

Last I night I worked out at the gym. I was talking on the phone with Harpin while doing the treadmill. Then this lady (baca: bule) came and used the treadmill machine next to me.

After a few minutes, as I was working out and listening to my cell (I can put songs into my cell), then I noticed a smell (baca: bau apek, bau keringet gitu deh).... I think it came from her coz the lady on my right was just getting on the treadmill. So, it couldn't be her.

Damn! I was thinking to get off and change to another machine, but it's almost half an hour... (tanggung banget!). So, I put up with it and after half an hour, I quickly changed to another machine..... heuhuehuhuehuhe..

On my way home, I talked to Gletwin on the phone and I told him what happened at the gym.
Then he started telling me his story when he worked out.

hauhuahuhaua.. I just keep cracking up whenever I remember his story...so silly and unfortunate..

Ok, here goes...
He went to the gym and found this high school girl working out (baca: orang bawang) by herself and there's nobody else in there.
When he opened the door, it was so stink that he wanted to go back, but then he felt awful for doing that.
So, he went in and started working out. A few minutes passed by and this girl left the gym leaving him with smelly gym huehuehuhe..

After a while another girl came in (orang Persia ato manalah gitu) and said, "God, it smells so bad in here!!" huahuhauhuahuhahauh....
She or I would think that he smells so bad that he made the gym smelled awful... hauhuahuhaua.... poor Gletwin.

I told him that he should have said, "I KNOW!".
He said that he did, but he said it in a surrender way coz he just didn't care anymore.... He's used to the smell by then... hauhuahuhauha..

Gila aja... baru kali ini gue ketemu cewe bule bau gini.... ampyuuunnn dj.....


Anonymous said...

bule paling bau pertama yg gw pernah ketemu..di jembatan mau ke Loksado..di pedalaman Kalimantan sono..
gila tuh dari jarak 100m juga udah kecium baunya...
(tanya Matthan kalo dia masih inget)
tapi waktu itu gw maklum lah..mungkin udah seminggu gak mandi, secaraaa di utan getho lhoooo..

tapi beberapa minggu ini...di kantor gw...ada expat..bukan bule sih..tapi indihe...yang kalo lagi kambuh..(enggak setiap kali sih..kadang2 aja kalo pas kumat)...yang seruangan parfumnya ala Hoka Hoka Bento getho...alias bawang bombayyy....

itu temenlo kasian bangettth..jadi korban gitu..hehehe...

Anonymous said...

huahuhahuahuhaa ya iyalah nek! itu kan di utan sono.. ini di kota okeh, di civilization!! hauhuahha

yah elo lagi ngemeng.. jelas ajah org bawang itu bau bangeeettt!!
lo baru nemu 1 doank kan.
beuh coba lo kesini, begitu byk org2 bawang... ampyun dijeehhh.. segera tahan napas! hahaha

palage kalo kelas donk.. lo cuma bisa berharap dan berdoa segera selese ini kelas hahahhaa..=p