Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I Hate

Fuzzy people!

They are so freaking annoying..

With that said, I hate annoying people too!

Geezz! Couldn't you be any more fuzzier?!?! Irritates me like hell!

I understand it the first time you said it... No need to tell me thousand times...

I'm not stupid! I'm just blocking my ears.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Yoga Class Incident

I went to yoga class last night. Have you guys done yoga? Let me tell you, we aren't sitting around relaxing... It's painful!! >_____>

Anyway, we were doing some poses, and this lady next to my left farted!! heuhuheuhe...
Luckily, I was turning the other way and I almost laughed hehehhe... **yes, yes, I know... I'm not trying to be mean, you know....I know I'll be very very embarrassed if it was me...**

Then, towards the end, we were laying down and doing a pose. I had to turn left and face her back. I couldn't stop thinking, "I hope she doesn't fart again coz it'll be on my face..." ^g^

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bal... Just for You Bal!!

After being harassed by Iqbal for a loooonggggg time to put his name on my blog, I finally decided that today is the day. So, read carefully k Bal!!

Please meet a friend of mine, Iqbal.
He's currently single and available... And the most important part is..... he's looking for a wife!!
So, ladies, start lining up please!! wakakakaka..

He's kind, nice, good looking *ehmm*, very very understanding, tajir **pejabat booo...hiihhi**.. **gila bal gue pusing mo muji lo apa lage... kagak kepikiran hauhuahuha**
Too bad he's a bit short *Bal, it's too late for you to grow taller, huh? haha*, but all you ladies need not to worry..... his personality is able to cover his shortness hhihihihi... really! I'm serious!

Well, I need to get back to work... **excuse, excuse, excuse**
Bal, this is enough right? hihhihhihi...

Bal, udah gue puji2 tuh elu... ok donk?? hihihihihi...
Foto lo yg mana Bal yg mo gue pajang??

Cewek, cewek....dijual neh dijual! on sale...wakakakakka....

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Damn Politics!

At my former office, most of the assistants are women, while the bosses are, of course, men.

All the women, or should I say girls, coz that's what they are... a bunch of catty girls, are so fucked up. They are so two-faced. So nice in front of you and ready to stab you whenever you turn your back.

Basically, in that office, I kept to myself and didn't bother with anyone.
I loved the gossip part hauuahauhua (not that they talked to me if there's any gossip, I was always last to know >___>), but I hated the way they handled stuffs there.

The office manager is the most fucked up one, I'd say.

She works there for about a year (I think) and she has successfully turned the office upside down. She even manages to get the big boss to back her up!
She's really awesome.... really...!

My co-worker hates the OM so bad that he doesn't even want to go whenever she holds a tea-break or whatever and invites everyone to come for a few minutes.

Thank God, I don't have to work there long. 6 months is more than enough.
It's even more fucked up now, I last heard from one of the girls.

Well, I can't really complaint much, since she's always "nice" to me and can't really do anything to me coz my boss backs me up.. heuhuehuheuhe..

Anyway, the girls are grouping each other. And they always talk about each other too!
A will talk about B, B will talk about C, C will talk about A, A will talk about D, etc. And they will try to kick you down whenever you're not looking.

So, this OM cut down everyone's expenses (supplies exp, etc) and cut down vacation times too (this vacation time story is longer than what I want to write, so I'll skip the story, but the point is she pissed everyone off because of this vacation time thing), while she spends the money!
She changed the furnitures in some of the offices, planned useless things for the sake of "us", and some other stuffs. She's probably doing that just to look busy coz I heard (from a trustful source) that she comes in at 9:30, takes 2 hour long lunch, and goes home at 5.
Still.... the big boss thought that he needs to increase her salary coz he thinks that she's done soooo much for the office.
Geeezzz... give me a break!

Before I left the office, she was trying to pick on my co-worker and I. She even managed to make the big boss to inquire us (not directly to us, but to our boss).
Since they couldn't touch me coz I made enough billable hours, they asked bout my co-worker alot and made complaints about him, saying that he spends too much time online and playing games, and that he doesn't bill too much hours. They said that it's unacceptable!. Yeah right! I bet he's not the only one browsing and playing online.

Damn! Apparently smaller office's politic is more fucked up than the big one (my job before this one was at a huge-nationwide corporate). Wonder how can it be?!?

A couple of weeks before I left, I heard that there'll be 4 interns (somewhat related to her, KKN dah dia) for the summer. I've met 1 of them.
Everyone was like, where are they gonna put them? there's no more space. And what are they gonna do? blablablabla..

Oh! Speaking about interns, she hired this handicapped (not physically, mind you) guy for charity or something, I don't know and made M to be his "supervisor" aka babysitter.
Since M has to babysit him, she can't do all of her tasks, and she got blamed for not doing her job.
We were like, what the hell?!

Anyway, on my last day, she was busy running around plotting, eh I meant arranging, stuffs. She's trying to find somebody to replace me. Not that I minded, I was leaving anyway. I just don't like the way she did it. Also, can't she does that after I left?!?
She was running around all day, going back and forth in front of my office and didn't talk to me at all.

That reminds me, after I talked to her to let her know that I'm leaving, JA asked me,
JA: Was she nice to you?
Me: hauhaha.. yes, she was..
JA: Good, she can be nice if she wants to...
Me: hauuahahua....

Anyway, just like what Gino always says..... Fuck this shit man! **Oh man, I miss your craziness and your curses Gino, where have you been... let's hang out sometime. Ask the others too!!**
I don't work there anymore and what do I care... heuhuehue...

Korean Hollywood Bowl 2008

Korea times & SBS present 2008 Korean Music Festival @ Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles.

Date: SAT, May 17 2008 @ 6:30 PM
Location: Hollywood Bowl, 2301 Highland Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, 90068


- Fly To The Sky

- SG Wannabe
- Super Junior T + Yesung
- Ock Ju Hyun
- Moon Hee Jun
- Chae Yeon
- M
- Son Ho Young
- Shin Joong Hyun
- Yun Hyung Joo
- Kim Se Hwan
- Choi Baek Ho
- Jung Hoon Hee
- Dong Bang Shin Gi (TVXQ)

Aahhhh!!! When I found out about this, it was too late to book the airline, hotel, concert ticket, find anybody that want to go.

Why can't they hold it on May 30th????
I'm going to LA and Vegas on that weekend.... aaarrgghhhh....!!

It's OK, there'll be next year. I'll keep track on the date.....
Btw, why is it always LA that has cool events???? not faiiiirrrrr! Why can't they do it here too?? We have so many Asians here too... nande??

You can catch the concert on youtube. Just type in Korean Hollywood Bowl and there'll be a bunch of videos. Man, I'm so jealous on them who got the side seats sooooo close to the stage!!

Fly To The Sky is going to have a concert this July in LA and SF though.
Check http://www.onegeneration.com/blog/events/ for details.

Don't know if I can go... we'll see..

Gletwin, mau nampung gue gak July??? huehuehuheue...


I was contemplating whether I should write this in English or Indonesian, but I decided to write in English anyway.

Last I night I worked out at the gym. I was talking on the phone with Harpin while doing the treadmill. Then this lady (baca: bule) came and used the treadmill machine next to me.

After a few minutes, as I was working out and listening to my cell (I can put songs into my cell), then I noticed a smell (baca: bau apek, bau keringet gitu deh).... I think it came from her coz the lady on my right was just getting on the treadmill. So, it couldn't be her.

Damn! I was thinking to get off and change to another machine, but it's almost half an hour... (tanggung banget!). So, I put up with it and after half an hour, I quickly changed to another machine..... heuhuehuhuehuhe..

On my way home, I talked to Gletwin on the phone and I told him what happened at the gym.
Then he started telling me his story when he worked out.

hauhuahuhaua.. I just keep cracking up whenever I remember his story...so silly and unfortunate..

Ok, here goes...
He went to the gym and found this high school girl working out (baca: orang bawang) by herself and there's nobody else in there.
When he opened the door, it was so stink that he wanted to go back, but then he felt awful for doing that.
So, he went in and started working out. A few minutes passed by and this girl left the gym leaving him with smelly gym huehuehuhe..

After a while another girl came in (orang Persia ato manalah gitu) and said, "God, it smells so bad in here!!" huahuhauhuahuhahauh....
She or I would think that he smells so bad that he made the gym smelled awful... hauhuahuhaua.... poor Gletwin.

I told him that he should have said, "I KNOW!".
He said that he did, but he said it in a surrender way coz he just didn't care anymore.... He's used to the smell by then... hauhuahuhauha..

Gila aja... baru kali ini gue ketemu cewe bule bau gini.... ampyuuunnn dj.....

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


His first published comic book ever!
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar by Adam Sexton and Hyeondo Park.

Last weekend, he brought 2 of these mangas to Zack's graduation. **Congrats Zack!! FINALLY, you made it!!!! YAY!!**
At first, I didn't even realize that it's his comic book.
And then Jennifer came to the bedroom (we were chilling and messing up Jerry's place hehe) and said that it's his manga.
We were like, WOW Hyeondo! It's so awesome! You're the man! Please sign the book..... We need your signature.... huehuheuheue...
And apparently, he also wrote his bio himself (it's on the first page, I think).
He got teased the whole night because of it. ^___^

Anyway, here it is.. his first published book ever, out now on sale. Buy it online or at the stores. (Really, Hyeondo, you need to pay me for being your spokesperson..^^)

He's currently working on his 2nd book, Huckleberry Finn.

Hyeondo, don't forget my free-signed-comic-book, arite! ^___^V

Friday, May 09, 2008


My Korean class is cancelled due to too few students registered...

Aahhh.. And I was so looking forward to it. Dammit!

Friday, May 02, 2008

Learning Korean

After being fed up for not understanding what they're saying on the movies and after countless times of having people talking in Korean to me for a while, I finally decided to take on Korean!!

Hauhahuahuha... it'll be interesting, I think.

I hope I don't mess up the language when talking.

You know, saying 1 thing in Japanese and another in Korean and the rest in English, oh maybe I'll slip in some French and Chinese also... heuhuehuheuhe....

Coz that's what I do right now...hihihihi..

Starting to say one thing but my mind could only say it in another language other than the one that I want to say. And the bad thing is sometimes I don't even remember that it's another language and I just say it and people (well my sis usually) will look at me weird, like, wth is she talking about?? heuhehuhe... ^____^

Well, I was only practicing anyway... people said practice makes perfect, right...? or in my case, not. >___< Beginilah kalo belajar macem2 bahasa tapi separo2 gak pernah sampe selese...heuhuehue...

Can't wait for the class to start (May 12th, in case you're wondering)....

I already know some words though and the first thing I learned were the cussing words)...heuhueheuhe..

Always, learn the curse words first!

My theory is if we know the curse words, even if we can't speak the language, we'll know if they are talking bad about us and we can say it back to them. ^___^V

맞다 ? -- is this even the right character of what I wanted to say?? Saa..

Interesting Blogs

The other day, I was watching CNN while finishing my puzzle. I made the ancient map, by the way.
There was this show where you could send interesting blogs (could be your or somebody else's) to them and they'll show them on the show.

2 blogs caught my eyes...

1. http://little-people.blogspot.com/
This blog is written by this guy in UK who placed "little people" (people figure that he made by clay) around the city (mostly London) and photographed them.
It's really, really neat. Check it out.

Hmm... I wonder.... should we go backpacking aroung UK and try finding these little people??

Oh and uh.. watch your step!!

This one is also cool!
Have you ever wondered or imagined that things around us sometimes make a face?
Well, I did but I surely never thought to take pictures. But this guy (is he a guy? don't remember who made the blog) did.
He (let's just assume it's a he) uploaded pictures with faces, hence the name of the blog. We could send our pictures too!
*picture is courtesy of http://facesinplaces.blogspot.com/

Actually, there was another blog that got my attention, but couldn't seem to recall the name of the blog. If I remember it one day (hopefully, but you know, you could always google it yourself, I'm just too lazy to search for it...), I'll come back and post it here.
The blog was about "failed" pictures that you took.
Remember all those blurry-dang-it-pictures that you took?
Well, don't delete them just yet..... You could send them to this blog and they'll show the pictures on the blog. (Don't I sound like an anchorwoman? huheuheuheuhuhe)

Hmm.. I never catch that show again on CNN.
Don't remember what time or what day that I caught the show.
Anybody know? please let me know.