Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Korean Drama Reviews

Ok, 1 last post before I start studying..heuheuheehe..

Finally, finished watching Secret Garden, Mary Stayed Out All Night, and The Woman who still Wants to Marry. Yes, watched 3 dramas all at once. Did I get confuse and headache? No, I didn't since I'm such a smart and awesome person. =p

First off, Mary Stayed Out All Night... HUGE and I mean H.U.G.E. disappointment!!! WTF! Wasted my precious time and my bandwidth watching this ridiculous drama. I was so ready to hit, bang, and throw my laptop watching this drama. And that guy (forgot his name) walked funny. How long can you drag this thing out anyway?! Really? Did you really need all 16 episodes!?! Hell no, you didn't! Gosh! Had to watch it til the end though as my OCD came out and I didn't feel good if I didn't finish it. Grrr!

Second, The Woman who still Wants to Marry. I actually watched the first 5-6 epis early last year. For some unknown (forgotten) reason, I stopped watching it.
Rewatched it again from the beginning. Wonder why there wasn't that many rave about it since this drama is actually quite good, even if it kinda dragged a little towards the end. But, boy.. what an underestimated drama! All the ladies, esp the late 20s and early 30s, could all relate to it haha.. And for the bonus, there's that cutie Kim Bum.. XD

Hmm.. what would I do if I catch a cute 10-yr younger boyfriend like KimBum...Hmm... ʘ‿ʘ kekekeke (^o^)

Lastly, the uber famous Secret Garden with Hyunbin and Ha Ji Won. Gosh Hyunbin lost a LOT of weight in this drama -- still good looking though. I actually kinda like him this way haha.. If I'd known what it's all about, I might not watch it since the story line is somewhat eh... >.>
However, seeing how all the ppl raved about it and the-uberly-yummy-and-delish-Hyunbin is in it, I gave it a try after the 16th subbed epi was out. **I hate waiting every week for new epi to come out**
Man, was I hooked! Couldn't stop watching it and ended up finished all 16 epis in 2 days and became a zombie-like in the office.
Sadly, after all that goodness, the last 4 epis (esp the last 2) were all...eh...alright.

Hate it when they do this (Why PD?? WHY?!), and sadly most KR dramas are this way. They got us hooked in the early phase and then dropped us all from 100th story building (ouch!) and gave us a draggy, annoying, flat, unmemorable, disappointing, and sometimes horrible second half of the drama and/or ending!! WTH!

Okay, no more dramas for me, for now anyway. Need to get my priorities right.



vy said...

selalu yah, kl kudu belajar pasti ada aja hal2 laen yg dikerjain. dah lama nggak ntn anime jadi ntn anime, dah lama nggak ngeblog jadi ngeblog, dll. :D

so, gmn belajarnya? kapan ujian?