Just got home from the theatre.
And the verdict is..... I like this movie!
Unlike Beowulf that put me to sleep in the middle of the movie and made my friend left the theatre halfway... ^^
Contrary to the buzz around about this movie being pro-atheism, I really don't see anything about religion or atheism at all.
Or maybe I'm just dense?? huehuheuhe..
Anyway, after the movie ended, I asked my friend where the atheism thing is. (He's an American btw) and he told me that if you think about it, the magistrate kinds of represent the Roman Catholic way and the demon being our soul.. blablabla..
I told him.. well.. who thinks about all of that when watching a movie?? Geezz.. Americans are just so extreme to the core!
So what if the author is an atheist or an agnostic? I thought this is the land of the "free"??
They banned Harry Potter because of almost the same thing like this Golden Compass. It didn't really slow down the movie theatre from taking people's money...
Anyway, it is just a MOVIE.... chill out people!
I read the reviews yesterday and most of them said that the ending sucks. That reminds me that I haven't write anything about the movie itself. But then again, do I really need to write it all for you?? Nah.. you guys can just ask Mr. Google yourself....hehehehe..
Hmm.... I don't think the ending is that bad..
Sure they left it hanging, I think there will be a 2nd Golden Compass.
Why there wouldn't be? There are 3 books after all.
Btw... the 2nd Narnia is going to be out on May next year and a few of similar movies too, such as Inkheart (I think that's the title) is gonna be out on March. And there is another movie I think, don't remember.
But next year is going to be full of these kind of movies (saw them on previews when waiting for the movie to start)... I can't wait for the next Narnia. I hope it's not a disappointment....
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