They also have a grocery store attached to the restaurant. You have to go inside the grocery store and then go into the restaurant.
A bit confusing at first. We were like where's the entrance?? heuuhehuhe
It's not that big of a restaurant but quite a cozy place. You seated yourself, there's no hostess to seat you down.
They have an old man played the accordion(?), who knows haha..

The foods are really good, well at least what I ordered hahaha... I had the rouladen. It's beef with bacon, pickle, err... I forgot what else are inside haha but it's good...
Priscil had schnitzel (? Is this how you spell it?) And Lorraine had spatzel (?) Man, German words are hard to spell hahaha...
I don't really like that spatzel. A bit bland for my taste.
We also ordered some sausages. Don't ask me what kind, wouldn't know anyhow.

we need to go back and try the other stuffs...:) oh i guess weiss means white...so the weiss wurst, i guess sosis yg warnanya putih itu...hahaha...sotoy abiezz...
hmmm.... sumpe sotoy abis lu U.. hauhuahuha...
Let the people who knows German tell us then hahhaha... Gue gak ngerti boo... meneketehe deh..
iye, emang bener schnitzel. truz yang satu lagi spätzle(kalo loe gak punya ä, tulis ajah ae).
yep, weiss = white, tebakan loe bener. :D
spätzle tuh salah satu favorit gw, tapi yang housemade, soalnya kalo beli jadi di supermarket biasanya gak enak. tuh si lianna bisa bikin sendiri, kagak pake alat press pula. bener2 tradisional gitu, padahal orang jerman aja jarang2 yang bisa. hehehee... parah.
Waks lu bener U weiss = white, hihihihihi...
hmmm dijual sih lagi itu di supermarketnya spaetzle yg kering kayak jual pasta gitu.
Niwei, U Henk's itu bukan dutch itu ah.. itu mah coffee shopnya 1/2 priced books.... masa seh yg itu?
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