Had hot pot at Terrence's place.
Was told to be there (start) at 9PM.
Left the house at 9, picked up some sodas from walmart, arrived around 10.
Still have NOT started yet. In fact, only 3 people were there when I got there. Haiiizz...
We finally started eating around 10:30-11PM.
Luckily, I know my friends and so I ate something before hahaha...
Coz the last time when we had bbq (not with this crowd, but another crowd), was told that we're gonna start at 7PM. Well.... we started to eat at 10PM!!!
Anyway, the others started to arrive after 10. There were 7 of us.
We had meatballs, 3 kinds in fact.... 1 is a huge meatball with meat inside it..yuumm..
napa cabbage, pork, beef, lamb, cuttlefish cake, imitation crab, tofu, mushroom, noodle, pig's blood, couldn't think of anything else. I think I've got everything down.

We still have the hot pot sauce from last time we had hot pot (few weeks ago). Jay stole that sauce from the restaurant that I used to work. hahahah...
He got 1 huge can and a hot chilli oil...hahaha.. In fact, I just remembered, last time we had squids and he got them from the restaurant too...wakakkaka...
We took pictures, ate, chatted, ate again, took video, ate, pictures and ate and ate...... stopped at 1ish...hihhihi...
After that we took some more pictures til 2ish and went home around 2:30-3Am...hihihi...
We had 3 cameras. But in the end we mostly used my Terrence's coz we figured that we're going to send all the pics to him and he's gonna compile them together including the video i

Can you imagine if we don't have digital cameras yet?! Man, we'll be broke from spending all those money for the pics.... ^^
I've uploaded my pictures and I'll upload the rest as soon as I got them....
We were posing like crazy....^___^V
Diet? kayak ada yg ngomong gitu deh kemaren? hm... Just my imagination... huahauhauahu
hauhuahuah bawel!!!!
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