Thursday, October 01, 2009

Classes I Wish were Offered Back in College

Started from sharing useless websites that my friends and I found everyday during work. Yes, we do work... I stumbled into this website.

It's a blog of a list of college classes in several colleges that I didn't even think would be acknowledged by the colleges.

Those classes are: Oh, for further descriptions of these classes, just click on the above link, will ya... Too lazy to type the whole thing, besides technically, I'm still working.. hihihi.. *sigh.. an hour to go*

1. The Horror Film in Context (Bowdoin)

2. Simpsons and Philosophy (Cal-Berkeley)
-- Ah... Homer and his philosophies on donuts and beers... XD

3. Maple Syrup – The Real Thing (Alfred)

4. The Science of Harry Potter (Frostburg State)
-- Think about it... INVISIBILITY CLOAK might just be exists!! hehuehhuee

5. Oprah Winfrey – The Tycoon (U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
-- Well duh! Oprah is from Chicago... Of course they have to have this one......

6. Far Side Entomology (Oregon State)

7. History of Electronic Dance Music (UCLA)

8. The Future is Lost: TV Series as Cultural Phenomenon (Tufts)

9. Goldberg’s Canon: Makin’ Whoopi (Bates)

10. Muppet Magic: Jim Henson’s Art (UC-Santa Cruz)

11. Getting Dressed (Princeton)
-- Clothes... clothes...and clothes..... lovely!

12. Biblical Model for Home and Family (Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary)

My personal faves that I really wish were in my college are no. 2, 4, and 11.

No. 5 is a crappy class... I don't wanna talk about Oprah every time I go to class. I only want to go to her Christmas show, Oprah's Favorite Things. She always gives away lots of stuff on that particular show. haha..

Man... I could have gotten straight As all the way if my classes were like these... lol..

Monday, September 28, 2009

Word of the Day


Did I Eat Today ?

Friday, May 29, 2009

Looking Fwd to Tonight!!

Yaaayyy... Finally Russell Peters is here!!

Looking forward to his show tonight...

Gonna do some face and abs exercise tonight!! XD

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Digigit Anjing Untuk yang Pertama Kalinya dan Semoga Untuk yang Terakhir Kalinya... Amin!!

Weekend kemaren tuh long weekend. Jadinya gue cuma nyante2 di rumah... jarang2 bisa nyante2 di rumah berhari2 wakakaka...

Hari Sabtu malem, kita makan malam rame2 karena si Denny mo pindah ke San Antonio hari Minggunya. Abis makan gue, Denny, Stanley maen ke rumah Opiet & Sugi.

Kita nonton Mall Cop - oklah filmnya - trus abis nonton, si Denny lagi maen2 ama Bear, anjing chow2nya Opiet-Sugi. Oiyeh mereka punya ini chow2 dan 1 husky.

Gue tau seh si Bear ini gak demen orang, gue udah sering gitu loohh ke rumahnya mereka. Tapi si Denny lage maen2 ama si Bear depan2an ama Sugi, si Denny bilang "coba nih pegang, gpp kok.."

Oh shit dan begonya gue (seriously, I was such a moron that night.. gue udah tauuuuu gitu lohh ini anjing reseh!!), gue pegang palanya.. EH NGEHE INI ANJING!! langsung gigit gue!!!
Tangan gue, lsg gue tarik, tapi dia loncat ke arah gue dan perut bawah kanan gue kena deh digigit ama ini chow2 keparat!!!!

Gilaaaaa... shock gue!! baru kali ini gue digigit anjing!!! Di kejar seh udah sering dari dulu kecil.. Berdua Melvin dikejar2 anjing kampung tiap pergi-pulang les Inggris. Kudu lewatin taman, di taman itu byk org gila dan anjing kampung. Lengkap bener dah itu taman.

Anyway, si Denny dan Sugi langsung tarik si Bear dan gue lari ke belakang Stanley. Hmm.. kenapa yah gue kabur ke belakang Stanley, padahal gak guna gitu gue ke belakang dia, dia jg gak mau deket2 ama Bear. Gue rasa kalo si Bear sampe lari ngejar gue, si Stanley bakal kabur duluan deh heuhuehuehuhe..

Abis itu Opiet keluar kamar, nanya ada apaan. Dia lsg ngomel2, "kenapa gak lsg kamu gebuk si Bear gi?!? Gebuk yg keras sampe dia nangis2!!" heuhuehe..

Udah gitu luka gue dipakein tieh ta yao gin... ugghh.. buat elo2 yg tau itu obat China, elo pada pasti tau donk kalo luka dipakein itu rasanya kae apa... udah kae luka lo ditaroin garam!! haram jadah perihnya!!

Hiixxx... mata gue udah berkaca2.. malu kalo nangis wakakaka... ^^

Eeehhh ini anak2 geblek masih sempet2nya ngitungin giginya ada berapa di perut gue! Ada 4 cetakan gigi tanda mata dari bear buat gue... bleh..

Trus Opiet cerita ke gue dia nanya ke Sugi gimana seh kejadiannya kok bisa sampe digigit:
O: Gimana seh?
S: Yah si Denny suruh si J pegang Bear, "tuh gpp kok gue jg pegang2 bear"
O: Kamu emang dimana?
S: di depannya J
O: kok gak suruh jangan pegang seh?
S: ada setan lewat.. soalnya aku bisa gak bereaksi ama sekali.

DUERRR... OMG Gi!! Jawaban lo sumpeh ancur abis heuhuhuehuheuehueh... ada setan lewat...wakakaka..

Kata Matthan, "kayak lagi ngaku dosa ke camer aja kalo anaknya dihamilin.. ada setan lewat." wakakakka..

Komen gak penting dari Matthan lage:
M: elo juga sih jee.. namanya juga anjing. biarpun anjing yg gigit, tetep manusia yg salah
J: salah gimana?!?
M: either salah org yg digigit ato yg punya anjing
J:org gue gak ngapa2in gitu!! Cuma gue pegang palanya, gak gue cekek
M: hahaha..

Trus gue cerita ke Gletwin kalo gue digigit anjing, ini anak jg komennya gak mutu banget!!
J: Jek, gue digigit anjing
G: oyah?? lu dikira bacon kali
J: taee loo... bacon my ass!
G: hauhuahuaha..
J: iyah tangan gue lsg gue tarik dan dia loncat jadinya kena perut bawah kanan gue
G: PAS! where the samcan is!! hauhuahuahua..
J: ah ngehe lu..
G: Gue lage ngebayangin anjingnya pas di pegang kepalanya... "hmm... ada makanan..bacoonn.."
J: reseh lu!
G: ahuahua.. lu bikin gue ngakak..
G: abis kan yah chow2 kan lucu...n bayangin elu jadi bacon, hmmmm bacon... HAAAAAAPpppppp...aheuoaeaeahe
J: sampahlah looo..
G: eehhh mestinya lu berharap tuh yah
G: di gigit ampe putuuuuuuusssss biar ilang berat badan hauhuaheuhuehuha
J: putus jadi bolong.. bloon lu..
G: iyaahh... kan jadi ilang berat badan. lu bayangin aja.. dah sakit ga putus pula hauhuahuhauhaehuhe..
J: ngehelah lu win.. huh!

-- seneng banget ini anak2 liat gue sengsara, heran! Semua yg gue ceritain pasti respond pertamanya itu ketawa deh.. sebal daku!! huhh!

Mandinya susah pula, karena gue gak mau lukanya kena air dulu kan, tapi ini di perut susaaah mo mandinya. Gue mandi udah kae maen akrobat ajah..huhhh..

Trus kemaren gue cari2 sofa kan, beuh.. duduk bangun duduk bangun.. sakiittt... kegesek2 baju.. haiyaaahhhh....

Udah deh neh, gak bakalan ada yg namanya anjing di dalem rumah gue.. EVER! huh!

Jadi moral of the story kali ini... Jangan pegang2 pala anjing kalo ada setan lewat... bwahahuahahaha....

Friday, March 20, 2009

One Unforgetful Night

As the title of my blog shows this time, that night was indeed one of my unforgetful ones.

We had dinner that Saturday, around Halloween's day (was it on halloween? can't remember) at Blue House - Korean restaurant.

It was a farewell for Chia who's moving to Kenya (shout out to Chia who's living in her pink hut over there in lalaland hueuhee) to follow her hubby.

Anway, we finished dinner and we hang for a lil bit outside the restaurant. Talking and were taking pics. Just doing our business.

Then, this Korean lady with a pissed-off-looking face walked out from the restaurant, went to the car, went out of the car again, and started to walk back to the side of the restaurant.
The restaurant was an L-shaped looking... get it?

Next, she started to shout and yelling in Korean like she was mad. We were like, what in the world is going on??? We were peaking to the side to see what was going on..
I asked my friend to translate it.. lol... he didn't want to.. bleh..
Anyway, he said that it was something about having an affair, getting a divorce and whatnot.

**thinking: Hmmm.. it's starting to get reallyyy interesting....hiihhi...**

And so, we were starting to leave since the yelling is getting louder and louder each time and since we need to go to the haunted house before it gets too crowded.
Btw, the lady was the only one who did the shouting. The man she was yelling to was just sitting there, smoking, and ignoring her.

As we were walking to our cars, this lady walked to her car and started to back up. So we moved away from her car, which btw parked in front of us when we were chatting and all.
And then.... this happened....

That crazy and mad lady HIT that guy (who was sitting on a bench and smoking) with the car and then ran away!!!!!

He started to scream (duh! obviously! who wouldn't?!)...

We were staring at that crazy incident and were just standing there speechless and thinking, "Am I seeing right?? Did that just happen??? For real???".
A second later, we were running to that guy and see if he's ok. People were pouring out of the restaurant too.
People were yelling to get somebody to call 911 and all.. It was like in the
Turned out Chia called the 911. So, we couldn't go anywhere until the police came.

We were like.. dang it Chia! "Why can't you let somebody else call 911? Now we have to wait here and deal with the police while the others are gone."

Dude... seriously... as soon as they know that the police is coming..... THEY HID THEMSELVES RIGHT AWAY!! Even the hit guy was carried by somebody on a BMW to the "hospital" (who knows where they went)!!

We were like, "Yea Chia, even the guy who was hit ran away as soon as he hears the police coming. Oh well.. "

Unfortunately, I was in their car, who needed to wait til the police came. The other 2 cars went away already.. dang it! I didn't want to deal with the police and craps too... T_T Luckily, we didn't need to be "witnesses" and whatnot. So, that ends there. =)

Anyway, the police came and didn't let us go away until he said so. At this time, there was nobody...nobody.... in the crime scene.

I walked to my friend's car and waited ^^

After a lil' bit we were let go and went to the haunted house. This one which we went was actually awesome and scary!! Unlike the other ones that I went.

And then we went clubbing huehuehuhe... I was upset of this unplanned clubbing thing... I was like a train wreck!! =(

All in all.... I will never forget that night... EVER!

** I wonder if they caught that crazy lady... Hmmm.... **