Friday, March 21, 2008

Silent Library

Thanks to Gletwin who ruined my work day. Spent a few hours watching these videos at work...huehuhehuehe....

I only put 1 video here, but you could search it under "silent library" or "Japanese game shows".
Oh, the human tetris was funny too. Just search it under "human tetris" on youtube.

I was laughing (without sounds, of course =p) while watching one of the videos and then my boss went pass by me and actually looked at me.
I turned my head down and started to cough.... huehuehuhuee....
Caught me off guard there... ^____^

Silly Kids

A friend of mine sent this email containing these images...


Click on the picture for full view. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Adam Air Loses Its Operating Rights

Effective on March 18, 2008, Adam Air (finally!) loses its operating rights.

After many (negative) cases, the government finally revoked their rights to operate their planes.

Well, it's about time I say....

Full story can be read here for Indonesian and here for English.

Meet the Newest Japan's Ambassador

Japan has a new ambassador to represent them....... DORAEMON!

The character will appear in films to be shown in Japanese missions overseas, talking about the country's lifestyle and customs.

"By appointing Doraemon, we hope people in other countries will understand Japanese anime better and deepen their interest in Japanese culture," said Yuko Hotta, a foreign ministry official.

The full article can be read here.

Photo courtesy of BBC.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Agustinus Wibowo

Meet Agustinus Wibowo.

Got his website, from Jalansutra mailing list that I've joined for some time now.

He's an Indonesian who's been backpacking throughout Central Asia since 2005.
He was a student in Tsinghua University in Beijing, China.
He first started his backpacking journey by accompanying his friend to Mongol.
After that first trip, he simply couldn't resist to go on another journey.
That lead him to India, Afghanistan, Iran, and some other countries that I have not even heard of.. hehe..

For more detail, please check his journal out.
Also, his journal will be published regularly (I think) in kompas under travel - petualang.
Some of his works are also published in some magazines (China National Geographic for one).
And he's about my age!!! *Makes me wonder what I have achieved in my young age ^^*

I've been reading his journal since the beginning of his journey at work...hehehhee.. I couldn't stop reading it. ^____^
I haven't finished reading it. There're just so many of them and before I knew it, it was time to go home huehuehuhee.. -- FYI, I did work, I wasn't just browsing on the internet.. =p

It just amazed me.
I can't imagine if I have to go through all that he has been going through all these years.

And here I was planning to go backpacking around Europe... >______>

Just simply could not compare.....*shaking my head*

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Spring is definitely here.....

Even if it snowed monday and might be snowing again tomorrow....

Snow in March.... Amazing!!

My New Toy

Bought a polaroid camera a couple of weeks ago... It wasn't as expensive as I thought. I bought it for $40 at target.

I love it! It's so much fun to take pictures and get them in print right away.

Too bad the film is expensive... 1 box = 10 films (not a whole lot, isn't it?) is $15 and 1 set of 2 boxes = 20 films is $25.

Hiixx.. I want to take lots of pic but then thinking of the money that I have to spend to buy the films. >_______<

Just bought some lomo cameras (4 actions, fisheye, and standard lomo)... can't wait for them to arrive...