Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Quit Running Reruns!!

Hollywood pleaseeeeee!!!

Just give whatever the writers want.
It's so freaking tiring to see all the reruns over and over again!!

There's nothing good to watch on TV anymore.
I don't want to watch those stupid reality TV every single freaking day. Well, I do have to admit that I watch some reality shows. Project Runway, Dancing with the Stars, and Make Me a Supermodel lately coz Perry is soooo freaking HOT! I hope he wins... *^g^*

Pleaseeee run NEW shows.


Luckily, there are Asians drama out there to save me from having to see all those reruns......

Huehuehuhe emang gue jarang ntn tipi jg sih, tapi belakangan aja neh sering ntn tipi, tapi gak ada yg bagus...HUH!

***waiting for the new Gossip Girl to be back on***

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Awesome Broccoli!

For more pics, check the Broccolies here.

Really awesome pics.. great idea!

Monday, January 14, 2008


Pengobatan Gratis...

Bingung gue, kenapa harus negara yg bayarin pengobatan dia??
Kenapa gak suruh dia bayar sendiri aja? Duitnya udah segunung gitu, mending duit negara pake buat yg laen aja.
Emang sih dia gak minta digantiin duitnya, trus kenapa pemerintah sok mau gantiin duit segala??

Bener2 gak abis pikir gue.... Indo... Indo...

Suharto gak korupsi dan bukan diktator.

Ini lagi 1 pernyataan bodoh yg gak pake otak!


Hare genee.... masih percaya apa kata dukun! Udah taon 2008 oi!

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Another new and innovative thing from Bush's administration...

REAL ID Article

My comment:
You're so paranoid Bush!!

Bikin orang susah aja tau gak lo... =p