Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sick and Tired

So sick and tired of:

people who act like they know you better -- changed?! I changed?! you don't even talk to me for a few months and you dared to say i changed and not for the better?!
people who act like they know what is best for you
people who want to and try to dictate you
people who try to control you
people who pressure you to do things
people who think that you can't think for yourselves
people who think that you're still a kid and yet don't let you to grow up
people who always tell me what to do

people who try to decide everything for you and said "it's for your own good!"--my own good my ass!
people who try to decide everything for you and don't want to listen to you even though it is about your own lives.

people who try to decide everything for you and yet still said "it's up to you but...." --there's always a but... "but i think you should do this..." isn't this the same as dictate your moves?
people who try to decide everything for you but never listen to what you want or what you think.....
people who try to decide everything for you but never listen to you and yet still tell you to tell them what you they're gonna really listen, since they already decided on everything, they might as well just go and do everything as well, no need to basa-basi ask you..really!

people who said that they are listening to you but always give negative inputs on everything you said -- what's the point coba?!


I'm so damn sick and tired of you people!!
Just stay the hell away from me for now... it's my life after all.
You're entitled to and welcome to give all your opinions, comments, or anything. But still the last decision should be made by me!

Capeee deee.....

Losing one's confidence causes a person to fall into confusion, which is hell.

-The Devil-