Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Some People Are Just............

So freaking unbelievable!!!!


I'm sure all of you have had this kind of thinking before. *Admit it! =p*

So freaking unbelievable that made you speechless and want to slap him at the same time.

Ugghhh... I seriously want to slap this stupid guy.

In my mind, I already imagined it... Me going to Canada only to slap him hard and then go back home. Yep, I want to slap him that bad! ^^

Began when he asked me for a favor a while ago (after not contacting me for so long). He wanted to buy a Ferragamo wallet (a gift from his gf but he paid half of it anyway, at least that's what he said) but he said that they don't ship to Canada. *What? No Ferragamo store in Canada as well?!?*
And of course, him being cheap as hell, wanted that wallet to be sent to me (US) and then I need to send it there.

Fine... no problem... but you need to pay for the shipping fee that I spent.
Why can't you see it as my bday gift?
Yeeehh enak aja lu..
Ok, don't worry I'll pay the shipping fee.

Then, a couple of months after that he called me again at MSN Messenger.

Vic: Pank, my sis is coming to visit me on June.
Je: So?
Vic: She wants to buy a digital camera and a video camera.
Je: Yea, so??
Vic: But it's cheaper in the US and there's no international shipping. *Seriously, can you really believe that??* So I need you favor to send them here. I'll buy them and ask them to ship it to your place. Do you mind?
Je: No.
Vic: Why not???? Come on Pank... sweetie...blablabla *biasalah manisnya keluar*
Je: Nope, those are expensive stuffs, I don't want to be responsible for them.
Vic: You don't need to responsible for those. You only need to send them here.
Je: Still no..
Vic: Come on Pank. Don't you remember that I went to visit you out of the blue from San Fransisco? I drove for 2 days just to go there. How come you don't want to help me??
Je: Puhlease! That was like in 2004....ages ago... Ungkit2 masa lalu banget seh... heran! Harusnya gue bilang jg yah... well gue jg dah kirimin barang ke elu dulu... I don't owe anything anymore kali yah.?? D'oh!
Vic: Come on Pank... blablablabla *too tired to type and remember useless things, I'll let your imagination run*
Je: Hhhh*sigh* fine.. send them here.
Vic: That's my Jepank... blablablabla *sekali lage manisnya keluar*

So... here I am... waiting....



Still there're no damn packages!! and no news what so ever.

So, I decided to call him, even though I really didn't want to that, and asked where the hell his stuffs are. I mean, really, who's the one asking the favor here? Why do I have to call and ask him for his stuffs??
And guess what?!

This is his answer that made me want to go to Canada just to slap him hard.

Oh, yea.... I didn't buy them... We're being cheated to. Those are stuffs from China.. They're not good. I'm in Montreal right now with my family.

Lebih tepatnya lage: oiya Pank, gue gak jadi beli.. Ditipu Pank... Itu barang2 buatan China. Gak jadi beli... Buat apa.. buang2 duit aja... Cici gue jg gak jadi beli... Sekarang gue lage di Montreal neh jalan2 ama keluarga gue.

Sumpe pengen gue gampar lu Vic saat itu jg dan sekarang kalo gue inget2 lage!!

No sorry, no regrets, no nothing! AND I HAVE TO CALL HIM!!! What the hell?!

He is just so f*cking unbelievable!!

Pissed me off!!

Victor Louise you're pissing me off right now.. Please don't call me at MSN for now since I'm still so damn pissed at you! Well, not that I need to worry about that. You only call me when you need something. Bloody hell! *huehuehue kebanyakan baca novel nih bloody hell nyangkut di pala*

Sumpe deh Vic... keterlaluan abis tau gak lu!! HUH! Tolong!

Owen, sorry I didn't do the whole thing on this subject (some ppl are just so freaking unbelievable) coz this in the only thing that is in my head heuhuehuhe... Next time yah say..

Friday, June 08, 2007

Kenapa sih?

Kenapa yah kalo pacaran ngomongnya jadi aku kamu??

George Benson & Al Jarreau

Went to see their concert on June 1st at Dallas Symphony.

It's bloody awesome... huehuhehe much much better than Natalie Cole... (well duh!)

Started with a meddley (is this how you spell it?) and both of them performed.
Then it was Al's stage for about an hour.

George went out, performed a song together, and then it was George's stage.

They closed it up together.

I absolutely loveeee their sax & keyboard player/background singer and their guitar player/background singer.
The sax/keyboard player/singer is a white bald guy (Joe Turner) and the guitar player/singer is a black bald guy (Chris Walker). *What's up with bald men lately??*

Chris was cute (hehe) and he's not that dark.. great voice!
But I like Joe better hehe...
Joe was awesome... Loved his sax playing. He used 3 sax(es?) small, medium, large...hahahha. (seriously!)

And well of course George is awesome on the guitar but then who doesn't know that hehe.

Al... now Al.....! Damn! He can still pull up that high note....
His voice is still very strong even though he's already aged. (65? 68? Eh, too lazy to do research.)

Man, I certainly didn't regret going to their concert. It's probably once in a lifetime experience to see them performing together.

Huhuhuh I missed Chris Botti! He was here May 9. I didn't know.


Found a cool site/blog.


Check it out if you have the time...

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Hihihi rekor neh 3 posts in a night!
Sambil nunggu temen gue selese install wireless thing.. taulah apaan huehuehe...

2 minggu lalu ada pesta.
Pesta ultah Muslimah Dallas yg ke 4 sekalian pesta farewell buat ketua KMI (Kerukunan Masyarakat Indo) Dallas. Oh iye, sekalian farewell buat 1 couple yg left for Canada. Couldn't remember the name though since I don't know them hehe...

Mas Ari, ex-ketua KMI, dan keluarganya pulang for good setelah tinggal disini 9 tahunan (kurang lebihlah) akhir May lalu. Gimana sih ini Mas Ari... kok ketuanya yg kabur duluan??

At the same time, temen gue Rinnie di SF jg pulang Indo for good akhir May lalu.

Gilee kok pada pulangnya barengan gini seh??

Rinnieeee... curang lu meninggalkan gue sendirian neh.. Kita blom sempet penuhin janji mo ke NY bareng kan... Elu ke NY dadakan, gimana gue bisa nyusul booo....

Mas Ari, yah ilang deh 1 org yg rame, kocak, dan bawel deh... Ketawa mulu kalo ada dia...hehhehe

Yah.. friends come and go especially when you live abroad... Just have to accept it... ^^

But I received good news from Angelique though, she'll come here to visit next month... If she can find cheap ticket from France...
Just come Ange.....it'll be worthed to see me... =D

Married Young Anyone?

Ngobrol ama temen gue tadi, online tentunya.

Sumardi, temen SD gue yg baru ketemu lage di MSN. Gila itu MSN gue jg bingung gimana dia bisa ketemu nama gue hahhaa...btw dia ada di Jakarta (buat referensi aja kalo ada yg tanya2 gitu haha)

Di: Eh Jess mo nanya donk.
Je: Yah tanya aja..
Di: Kalo co lu lebih tua 8 taon gimana?
Je: Yah gak gimana2lah, emang kenapa?
Di: Gue lage deketin dan dideketin ama anak SMU neh. Beda 7 taon... gimana nih?
Je: Oh, ya udah emang mo gimana? Yah cengli ajalah 7-8 taon doank mah. Cuek aja.
Di: Iya sih... tapi kalo misalnya gue mo merid ama dia, kan kudu tunggu dia selese kuliah, 4 taonan tuh. Trus itu kan berarti gue dah 29an! Masa gue merid umur 29 seh?! Kalo dia kuliah kedokteran gimana, makin lama ajaaaa.....
Je: Hueh... emang kenapa coba merid umur 29?? Lagian jg, byk kok org2 yg merid masih kuliah apalage di kedokteran, byk jg yg dah merid lagih...
Di: Yg bener aja, guekan kudu mikirin masa depan donk. Kalo gak cocok kan gue kudu cari lage, itu udah buang waktu gue.
Je: YA ELAH! elu nih... udah jodoh lu yah jodoh aja dah. Lagian mana lu tau cocok apa gak kalo gak dijalanin!
Di: iya seh... Tapi kalo nungguin dia kuliah gitu lama2 gue jadi bujang lapuk donk?
Je: Gimana seh?! gimana elu bisa jadi bujang lapuk seh?? Lu kan ada ce?
Di: IYa tapi kalo gitu kan gue kelamaan meridnya.
Je: Buset gak salah neh?! Biasa co2 yg pada gak mo merid cepet2, ini malah elu yg ngebet.....ckckck...
Di: hehehhe... Kata sapa co2 gak mo merid cepet2?
Je: temen gue yg co
Di: ah gak lage... gak gitu...
Je: .........

Setelah gue pikir2 lage selama gue kerja tadi... emang iya seh kayaknya cowok2 indo pada demen merid cepet2...
Menurut survey tidak resmi yg dilakukan oleh gue hehe, rata2 co2 indo (kenapa indo seh? yah karena yg masuk daftar peserta survey gue yah co2 indo) pengen merid sekitar 25-26.

Dan tentunya gue sebagai drama queen bereaksi extreme donk... Gile aje!! Ini co2 pada pengen merid 25an. Mo dikasih makan apa istrinya? Emang makan cinta bikin kenyang?? Ya gak Wen?? Ckckckckkc...

Kalo emang udah mapan lahir batin seh yah oklah, bukan urusan gue mo merid umur 18, 25 ato 40 sekalipun.. Tapi ini ecek2 yg baru lulus kuliah dan kerja beberapa taon singkat. (Iya donk, kan kalo lulus umur 23, merid umur 25 berarti baru kerja 2 taonan; itupun kalo lancar sesuai plan huehuehue)

Weleh... kerja 2 taon bisa nabung seberapa banyak buat modal merid?
Catet yah modal merid bukan berarti modal buat pesta meridnya, tapi modal buat elu hidup abis pesta nikah itulah.
Masa mo dibiayain bonyok terus seh?? Mana tradisi org indo kan langsung punya anak abis merid. ^^

Ada temennya temen gue yg dah merid.
Temen gue nanya ke dia ngapain cepet2 punya anaknya? Dijawab, "Yah, mo ngapain lage atuh kalo gak punya anak?"

Dan pas dia punya anak, anaknya kudu dititipin ama bonyoknya yg tinggal di lain kota.
Kembali ditanya kenapa dititipin gitu dan dijawab "Yah mana cukup kalo cuma suami gue yg kerja..."

Reaksi kita berdua "Gubrak!" donk...hahhahhaha...

Kemaren ini ditanya jawabnya mo ngapain lage.... sekarang baru mikir...
Kenapa gak mikir dari awal2 gitu... hare gene punya anak itu muahaallll.... ^^

But then again, gue jg gak bisa terlalu harsh ke dia karena siapa gue buat ngejudge dia...hehhe..
Itu hidup dia, gak ngerugiin gue jg dia mau punya anak atau gak...
Cuma tetep karena gue sebagai manusia kepo...mulut eh tangan gue... gatel buat komen...wkakakka..

Dan setelah gue pikir2 lagi, yah gue gak bisa bilang dia seharusnya jangan punya anak dulu sampai mapan juga.
Karena mapan itu relatif....

Kalo mau nunggu sampai mapan, yah bisa jadi gak bakal punya anak sampe kapan...karena nunggu aja terus...heuhuehuehuheu...

Jadi yah.........terserah elu2 jg deh mo merid muda apa gak wakakkakak...

Buat elu Di, yah udahlah kejer aja tuh ce.... mana lu tau seh dia jodoh lu apa bukan. Kali aja dia jg ngebet sama kayak elu pengen cepetan merid... Gak usah nunggu sampe elu 29 dah...heuheuhuehuhe..

Hihihihih..... So Freaking Happy!!

Yesterday morning I walked in to my tiny cubicle and thinking.. "Hmm...where's everybody?? I'm the first one here?"

Oh well, started my morning coffee (kopi kantor gue Starbucks bow huehuhe), check emails, spread my works, and opened KoKi.

8:30ish my boss walked in, still nobody showed up.

Doing my things, and then my boss showed up in my cubicle.

B: Jessica, can I talk to you for a second?
J: Yes *Damn! What did I do wrong? Is it about me chatting all the time?? Oh God!*

Went in to her office.

J: Is everybody coming? *biasalah basa basi heuhueh*
B: That's partly what I want to talk about. *Uh-oh!*
J: Oh...
B: I would like to switch your job with Gayle. *Gayle is the staff acct who deals with almost everything while I just deal with acct payable*
J: *Speechless...asli booo bengong gue...hahahha*
B: Yes, I need someone who will be here everyday. And Gayle called in sick again. She only has 1 more day left til November. She has called in sick way too much and I need somebody who'll be here everyday.
J: I see...
B: I understand you have a degree in accounting? *Me nodding* So, I'm asking if you would like to try that. Is that something that you would be interested on doing?
J: I would love to.
B: I need somebody who is dependable and I think you are dependable. *yadayadayada bs aja nih bos haha*
J: Thank you
B: And of course the money will be more too...
J: *smiling widely...ceria bener dah senyum gue* Great!!

Hihihihi.... I've been promoted to staff accountant!!

The next level to that staff accountant is assistant controller, and then controller... just you wait n see...wakakkakak *aduh sombongnya keluar*

And of course what did I do today after she gave me that offer?? I woke up late and went to work an hour late.
Forgot to set the alarm.... ^^ wakakkakak rusuh dah.

Forgot to mention my dilemma... was too happy with the raise huehuehuhe..

I mentioned that my boss wants me to switch jobs with Gayle. That means it's a step down for her and a step up for me... Hmm... and she sits next to me. Been there for a while too.. ^^
Felt a bit bad for her though and worse when Owen asked me if it's considered as I backstabbed her. Dang! I don't really think so though.

I mean whoever is going to be dumb enough to reject an offer like this just because she feels bad for her co-worker?? No? I thought so..

And I don't know if she has been told this or not since my boss told me to keep it between the 3 of us for now..... hmm...

A bit worry here.... coz ever since I started working there, my job description never matches what I do...
And with this change, once again I changed my position...

Agak2 rusuh juga yah ini company...ckckck... eniwei... gue naek gaji! hihihihihi....