Should have listened to my feeling earlier!
Wanted to call in sick since I'm so tired and sleepy, just got home at midnite last night.
But then I remembered all my tasks that needed to be done today since it's month-end.
Had to post everything by 2PM today.
Also, we're supposed to have a meeting in the morning but she postpone it to next week.
Then there's the thunderstorm.
So dark, it almost like we're working at night time.
Rained so hard that you could hear the wind blowing and the rain splashed on the windows.
Thunders came next.
Blew out our electricity!
I was in the middle of typing a message on MSN Messenger to my friend (yes dear, I know, I said I was working, didn't I?) the power went out just like that!
It was around 10 AM.
Generator was on in minute or so but it only provided lights.
Couldn't do anything really...
10:05 Sat at my desk, texting my friends.
10:07 Walked around to the contract acctg dept.
10:15 Walked back to my desk since everybody was kind of went back to "work"
10:20 Sort my utilities bills and texting my friends
10:30 Texting my friends
10:50 Texting my friends, work a little bit. My boss went to tell us that she's leaving for early lunch.
11:00 Texting my friends
11:15 Texting
11:30 Bored to death and still texting
11:45 Talked to my coworkers
11:55 Went to lunch, couldn't stand it any longer.
11:57 Waiting for the only elevator-that-never-came, went down the stairs (oh, did I ever tell you that my office is on 7th floor? No? Well, now you know.)
12:03 Met my boss who's walking in to the building. *Damn, now she knows when I left...*
01:05 Went back to the office, the power's still out.
01:06 Missed the elevator, took the stairs.
01:10 3rd floor.. still ok... I can do it!
01:12 5th floor...dammit still 2 more togo!
01:14 6th leg hurts!
01:16 FINALLY! Never have I been so glad to see a door.
01:20 Went back to my humble cubicle.
01:30 yada yada yada...
01:40 My boss told me I could leave if I really don't have anything to do.
01:50 *thinking* Hmm... should I just leave?? But nobody's leaving... hmm..
01:55 Got my clorox wipes (love this stuff!) and cleaned my desk.
02:05 Talked to my coworkers
02:09 Getting ready to go home
02:15 Put away all my craps
02:17 Got my purse
02:20 About to walk to my boss's room to tell her that I'm leaving.
02:23 The power is BACK!! *CRAP! I really cursed myself for being a procrastinator! I should have left while I got the chance!!! Damn!*
02:20 Back to work as usual... catch the deadline that had been postpone til early tomorrow morning *better to finish them all today before I leave*
Moral of the story:
DON'T be a procrastinator (in moments that are important such as this)!
Spring, a Feast for the Eyes
9 years ago